Thursday, February 08, 2007
President Kim Dae-Jung's Burnt Offering - At that time, these kinds of crimes were a political necessity for President Kim Dae-Jung. His political terrorism crime cell's agents employed the term “burnt offering” to indicate their murdering a citizen.
Presidents Kim Dae-Jung and Roh Moo-Hyun have established strict rules of compensation and allegiance between themselves.
They do not live like ordinary citizens in a civilized way. As President Roh Moo-Hyun says, “Internally, there is a strict hierarchy, with rules of loyalty and compensation.” Powerful politicians and political terror elements constitute an exclusive, privileged group like that of the diplomats working for President Kim Dae-Jung in Brussels and Atlanta, US. As Roh Moo-Hyun states “People in general suffer because there are unfair transactions among politicians.” This is why a citizen, the target of two presidents’ terror tactics, is trying to end the connection between politicians and political terror elements and, wishing only for a peaceful, beautiful country, to annihilate the privileged and protected political terror elements that remain in our society.
Crime Cell’s Plot in U.S. Armed Forces Military Base in Mons.
There is an U.S. Armed Forces military base in city of Mons, in the south of Belgium.
A few days ago, reading a text that describes a very important US and NATO military base, I learned that Mons is not a quiet spot and that the U.S. Armed Forces military base in place is no small installation. I discovered that the mighty NATO military headquarters is based in Mons, and that the “Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) near Mons, Belgium is the Headquarters of Allied Command Operations (ACO), one of NATO's two strategic military commands. ACO is commanded by the Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) and responsible for all Alliance operations, ranging from the Straits of Gibraltar to Afghanistan.”Thus described, Mons is very important from a military point of view, and must be in a high security area. The commander of the European headquarters of the U.S. Armed Forces stationed in foreign countries (U.S. European Command, abbreviation USEUCOM) also assumes the role of Supreme Allied Commander, Europe (SACEUR) in the NATO hierarchy.
Why did members of a political crime cell lure me to the U.S. Armed Forces military base?
The political headquarters of NATO is located in Brussels.
An academic couple, an agent emigrated to the US, a military attaché and an officer of the Defense Security Command (DSC) worked together and were participated as the principal activists of a crime cell which become the end point of the axis of terrorism and political oppression. Their main weapons were clandestine and insidious use of narcotics, the committing of crimes, and political manipulation.
One of them was Lieutenant Colonel Bae Yang-Hong of the (DSC), of whom, it seems, even generals were afraid. He was promoted to a military general on January 1, 2004 under President Roh Moo-Hyun. He is now a Brigadier General.
An academic couple also told me not to associate with anyone from Jeolla-Do. They were close collaborators of Bae Yang-Hong of the DSC.
The military attaché played one of the most important roles in this plot. He was at the centre of the crime cell that tried to destroy this defenseless citizen.
Of course, these are the just visible tentacles of a criminal organization.
I tried to help them, out of goodwill, but the relatives of a military attaché lured me to US military base with the hidden purpose of harming me.
It was a political terror agent under the direct control of Foreign Affairs-Trade Ministry and KCIA who branded me as an anti-American pro Kim Il-Sung communist, and tricked me into coming to the Mons US military base. Furthermore, the main agent is directly related to the military attaché who holds a post at the embassy in Brussels.
Because I was branded as a communist, I was studying abroad.
Because I was studying a university at Brussels, I was branded as a communist.
Agent Jin branded me as a person with political thoughts who should disappear, and led me to meet foreigners residing in Belgium, including foreign soldiers, with the connivance of the military attaché – the military attaché and Bae Yang-Hong of the DSC had the same aim as agent Jin.
What was the crime cell’s ultimate purpose?
Was it to set me up and brand me as a pro Kim Il-Sung communist simply to the U.S. Armed Forces and Military Intelligence?
It was a plot to facilitate the mobilization of U.S. Armed Forces and the American military intelligence to harm a powerless citizen on the behalf of embassy’s crime cell. An agent from the embassy’s crime cell was using underhand methods to lure me to the American military base. It is Important to note that Bae Yang-Hong of the DSC played the leading role in this plot.The illusive crime cell’s sly plan could not be continued.
Even though, they tried the same sly plan based in Waterloo.
The diamond-smuggling cell, the military attaché, diplomats and intelligence agents, reappearing in Brussels after the presidential inauguration of Kim Dae-Jung, conveyed a message regretting that I was not cooperating with them at the time, (in the 1980s). They tried to make me out to be a pro North Korean hard-line left-winger to US army personnel and military intelligence, tried to harm me, and expressed dissatisfaction at my lack of cooperation.
They are agents of political repression and part of a terror cell.An agent , who used narcotics for clandestine political repression, lived and was active in Brussels in the late 1980s, and reappeared again in the late 1990s. He was a member of crime cell like Bae Yang-Hong.
Ten years later - the year 2000 in Brussels.
Once more, a theological student who worked with military attaché Lee Seung-Sun and Jeon and others talked about "information gathering on NATO". This theological student later turned out to be a member of the criminal cell. This person also accused me of being anti-government because I support the opposition party. I was brought in front of the Ministry of Justice. At that time, a member of the crime cell involved in using infectious agents for terror activities worked in the building to next the Ministry of Justice.
Initially, I thought it strange that people should say one is anti-government if one supports the opposition party. Unfortunately such ridiculous criteria are used by those whose job is conspiracy, who would even attempt murder by accusing a person of being anti-government, or make them a political prisoner.President Kim Dae-Jung had been a political leader of the opposition party for a long time.
About ten years later, the crime cell tried to abduct and murder this citizen, accused of being a pro-American extreme right-winger, just after the North-South meeting and summit talks in Pyongyang from June 13 to June 15, 2000. Before the North-South summit talks, the crime cell continuously tried to fabricate false charges of my being a pro-Kim Jung-Il communist under President Kim Dae-Jung. At Seoul, President Kim Dae-Jung transferred large sums of cash to Kim Jung-Il who is Kim Il-Sung’s successor in North Korea. Later, at Le Nemrod in Place Louise, after numerous attempts to kidnap and murder me, Jeon told me about President Kim Dae-Jung's illegal transfers of billions of dollars to North Korea. Today, Intelligence agents talk of "Kim Jung-Il's blackmail" in Seoul.
Popeye Choi tried to brand me as an extreme right-winger for mentioning the assassination of Kim Jong-Il at a busy restaurant located between the radio and television tower and Square Montgomery in Brussels.
Charges were quickly made up in front of me.President Kim Dae-Jung's Burnt Offering
At that time, these kinds of crimes were a political necessity for President Kim Dae-Jung. His political terrorism crime cell's agents employed the term “burnt offering” to indicate their murdering a citizen.
To make money and for political propaganda, those agents, working for President Kim Dae-Jung, described me as an anti-American communist and a pro-American extreme right-winger, and tried murder me on numerous occasions. They called the murder of a citizen a “burnt offering,” and described the procedure of a “burnt offering” as the killing of a human being, the mutilation of his corpse and the burning of his remains. The agents who worked for President Kim Dae-Jung belonged to the crime cell that enticed me to US military base after accusing me of being a pro Kim Il-Sung communist.
Is it regrettable that President Kim Dae-Jung failed to harm me through these various manipulations?It is certainly regrettable that President Kim Dae-Jung was involved in such sly political manoeuvres. After receiving the Nobel Prize, President Kim Dae-Jung, who champions human rights, carried out biological terror tactics.
Left: Medical School Professor, Right: Biomedical Researcher (linked to bioterrorism)
Nho Gil-Sang: Health and Welfare attaché and Bioterrorist, Embassy and Mission of The Republic of Korea, Diplomatic Immunity and Privileges
Nho Gil-Sang, one of the most dangerous agents who tried to assassinate me, had to be careful about wire tapping. He did not use a mobile phone – he said he preferred public telephones.
He gave me the chance to choose between Kim Dae-Jung’s political ideas, and death. Of course, I refused his proposal with a single word, and Nho’s face hardened.
When I was leaving Brussels to go to Atlanta, He called me and said that I shouldn't trust anyone in the U.S. as if he were concerned for my person safety, even though he had already tried to harm me several times, in spite of the disclosure of his secret job, and the purpose of his activity as a diplomat.
Nho’s telephone call had the same aim as the plot that enticed me to the US military base.
When I was back in Seoul, I knew better about those agents and their crime cell of political terrorism. I could see Kim Dae-Jung and Rho Moo-Hyun’s protection of politics terrorists and their criminal activities more clearly.
The crime cell that enticed me to the U.S. Armed Forces base is a branch of the crime cell that carried out the terror activity between 2000-2001 in Brussels and Antwerp, and is currently under the control of a certain ‘Choi’.
Popeye, who claims to be from the DSC, is the person who accused me of being anti-Kim Jong-Il and pro-American extreme right, at the restaurant near Square Montgomery in Brussels, not far from European Union headquarters. Like several other terror agents stationed in the US, Popeye is currently stationed in London (UK).One of Popeye’s close collaborators, an agent under the control of Foreign Affairs-Trade Ministry and KCIA, is the ‘Choi’ in question. It is easy to find this Choi on the Internet.
As President Roh Moo-Hyun says, “Internally, there is a strict hierarchy, with rules of loyalty and compensation.”Cho Jung-Pyo (Consul General, Korean Consulate General in Atlanta, incumbent Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade.), Choi Dae-Hwa (Vice Minister rank Ambassador), Ban Ki-Moon (Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, incumbent Secretary-General of the U.N.), Diplomatic Immunity and Privileges - Principle IV, The fact that a person acted pursuant to order of his Government or of a superior does not relieve him from responsibility under international law, provided a moral choice was in fact possible to him. Nuremberg Principles
Why is President Roh protecting this connivance between powerful politicians and political terror elements, creating an exclusive, privileged group like that of the diplomats who worked for President Kim Dae-Jung in Brussels, and Atlanta?
A human rights lawyer by trade, President Roh Moo-Hyun has taken over the political ideals of President Kim Dae-Jung; although he insisted upon the elimination of the exclusive and privileged 'gangster culture,’ it remains in political power here - he also promoted a member of the crime cell to the rank of military general.
President Roh Moo-Hyun refers to his own political regime as participative democracy.
Do you, Presidents Kim Dae-Jung and Roh Moo-Hyun, think you can justify your crime, saying that your hit men tried to kill a citizen under the orders of a superior?
Why did the crime cell in Brussels fabricate accusations that I was an anti-American pro-Kim Il-Sung communist, and entice me to the U.S. Armed Forces military base?
What does President Roh Moo-Hyun think about a politically motivated kidnapping and murder, in which the killer is hired or controlled by a politician to kill a powerless citizen for financial gain?
Why do criminal agents working for President Kim Dae-Jung describe kidnapping and murder as “burnt offering”?
Now, intelligence agents have made it clear to me that they can imprison me and shoot me in the Blue House which is under the control of President Roh Moo-Hyun.I have to remember what they did to me in the building of Foreign Affairs and Trade Ministry under the control of Ban Ki-Moon.